Sex Purpose Love

Ground-breaking work
“Martin Ucik has continued his ground-breaking work in applying Integral Theory to the whole complex issue of relationships. Like his first book in this area, it is fully grounded in Integral Theory, and continues adding new, interesting, and relevant material to it, to bring a truly up-to-date overview of today’s relationships and how to make them work from the very highest potentials possible. Some of it is controversial, but that’s what you expect from any truly great pioneering approaches, and this is certainly that. Given the fractured and fragmented state of relationships as they exist now, nothing is more important for today than a truly comprehensive and inclusive and leading-edge guide. Highly recommended for men and women alike who are looking for a relationship today that will actually last. One thing is for sure—not taking into account all the information, insights, and wisdom that is contained in this book is to almost guarantee any relationship will not last. So check this out, you’ll be very glad you did!”
Ken Wilber

The Religion of Tomorrow

Beautiful Book!
“Martin Ucik has given us another beautiful book on love relationships, including along the way many insights about integral living as well.”
Allan Combs, Ph.D.

CIIS Professor of Consciousness Studies, President of The Society for Consciousness Studies, Editor: CONSCIOUSNESS: Ideas and Research for the 21st Century

Countless Perspectives
“The Integral approach is all about multiple perspectives. The more ways we can experience each moment, the more complete our view and the more choices we have. Many studies have found that satisfying relationships are the main contributors to happiness, and that modern intimacy is challenging.  Sex, Purpose, Love: Couples in Integral Relationships Creating a Better World provides countless perspectives and insights, organized around the Integral model to help individuals and couples grow in their abilities to love and serve throughout a lifetime. Highly recommended!”
Keith Witt, Ph.D.

Author of Integral Mindfulness: From Clueless to Dialed-In, and Shadow Light: Illuminations at the Edge of Darkness

Bodhisattvic, scholarly and passionate
“Martin Ucik’s new book is a great gift for all of us who are struggling to make sense of self and relationships in an increasingly chaotic and tribal world.His passion, compassion and sincerity are weaved into every sentence. It’s so palpable to me. As a librarian I love to spread the good word and I can’t wait to spread it far and wide. Martin has brought Integral theory down-to-earth where it is needed the most. Sex Purpose Love is a bodhisattvic, scholarly and passionate blend of wisdom from the East and West, from the sacred and scientific, and from the intrinsic and extrinsic that can help tremendously in making our tribal as well as our transcendental unconscious conscious, and thereby developing our highest but often unrealized human potentials for loving sincerely, and living meaningfully--and inspiring others to do the same.”
Nomi Naeem

Senior Librarian, Central Brooklyn Public Library, Integral New York

Bold Utopian Vision
“I have always believed that for romantic and sexual relationships to flourish and be truly enduring, it was essential that both parties share the same hopes, values and existential aspirations. In Sex Purpose Love Martin Ucik lays out a bold utopian vision in which integrally inspired romantic couples who share both biological and transcendental purpose, endeavor to bond at all levels. What is driving their tantric passions is not merely a quest for personal fulfillment but the highest aspiration: that their radical and inclusive union/communion can form the enlightened nuclei or building blocks of a better, more evolved world to come.

This evolutionary manifesto is both a detailed guide book and a compelling argument that brings to light our unexamined beliefs, assumptions, hidden hopes and fears about sex and love. Boldly, Ucik has paved new and exciting territory into the captivating world of the possible for us all.”

Andrew Cohen

Founder of Evolutionary Enlightenment

A Salutary Read
“Sex Purpose Love sheds new light on intimate relations. In his new book, Martin Ucik builds a bridge between a Californian way of feeling and the continental philosophy of life. A really instructive and salutary read!”
Dr. Ferdinand Fellmann

Prof. Emeritus for Philosophy at Chemnitz University and author of The Couple: Intimate Relations in a New Key

Sweeping Opus
“Martin Ucik has produced a sweeping opus and seminal meta-analysis regarding the past, present, and future of co-creative love relationships. Sex Purpose Love is a well-researched and comprehensive guide into the intricacies of human development, relationships, sexual dynamics, and Integral theory. It leads us to a marvelous critical discourse on the direction and fate of human flourishing. The call toward living our individual ultimate purpose and finding shared evolutionary purpose with another is both loving and imploring.”

Wesly Feuquay, M. Ed.

Prof. of Consciousness Studies - Maricopa Colleges, AZ, Founder and Director of The PSYLOGIA Institute for the Development of Consciousness, Purpose, and Transformation

Needed Contribution
“A much needed contribution, written to reach many who are interested in the intricacies of coupling. This book provides the reader with an easily understood application of integral theory while elucidating the obstacles and joys in couple development.”

Tom Habib, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychologist, Carlsbad, California

The material has stirred up much inner movement: "I’ve recently finished your book and all I can say is thank you so much!  I can tell that you have a profound interest and passion for evolutionary relationships.  The material has stirred up much inner movement that I'm still trying to digest.  When I've processed my reactions to the level that I can actually verbalize them then I'd like to have a chat with you.”

Stephen Richards