Relationship Consultations with Martin

Take an integral approach to solving your relationship problems
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Talk with me if you are not in a happy, healthy love relationship!
Don't suffer, break up, or stay single


 I offer consultations for $120/hr ($60 for IRGF and Personal Trainees)

If you have a US Bank Account you may pay with Zelle in US$ to [email protected]

Prefer to pay in Euro?

If you prefer to pay in Euros by wire transfer you may transfer the funds to the German bank account below:

Bank: Volksbank Hohenlohe – Account Name: Martin Ucik
IBAN: DE67 6209 1800 0113 5140 00

Click here or on the image above to learn more about the private training for couples.

 Any Questions? Contact Me!


Contact me for questions at [email protected], skype (martinucik), WhatsApp from the US 01190 535 863 6450 or from Europe 0090 535 863 6450, or via my US phone number +1 707 566 2106. I am here for you seven days a week.


Why you should work with me (first)?

In short, because of my broad knowledge, deep experience, and intuitive compassion.

There are numerous relationship experts and approaches to chose from. The question is; what is the best approach to solve your problems?

I spent over 20 years to learn as much as I can about my own relationship experiences from authors, talks, seminars, workshops, retreats, and therapy. In addition, I wrote three acclaimed books to answer your relationship questions and suggest the best approach for you. In the past 18 years, I consulted with hundreds of clients and facilitated workshops on four continents with thousands of participants. I was married twice, helped to raise three amazing daughters, and, for better or worse, dated hundreds of women from multiple countries and cultural backgrounds. This allows me to help you directly or refer you to the best resources.

Why an Integral approach?

The Integral approach to identifying and solving your relationship problems is like no other. It draws from all the available relationship wisdom from the East and West that is available to us today and puts it into a developmental context. This includes the material, physical, sexual, mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual, existential, social, and cultural aspects of love relationships.

How will we work together?

I will first listen to your desires and the relationship problems that you face. This allows me to deeply feel and intuit into your suffering, longings, and unmet needs. Through our dialog, solutions will emerge that I will suggest to you based on my broad relationship knowledge and deep experiences. You can then decide which of the approaches, processes and resources resonate most with you (and your partner) to further learn, heal, grow, or awaken. If you need additional support, I can guide you on your path or refer you to a specialist.

What relationship aspects will we consider?

We will identify which of the 14 essential parts that need to be integrated for a healthy love relationship are at the root of your challenges. They include (1) miss-matches in the four dimensions of relating, (2) differences in the levels of consciousness development from archaic to transpersonal, (3) the resulting communication problems, (4) the pervasive female fear and male shame downward spiral, (5) unbalanced and unhealthy feminine/masculine polarities, different levels of (6) sexual, (7) spiritual, and (8) anima/animus complex development, (9) differences in personality types, (10) tensions between insecure attachment styles, (11) unresolved unconscious issues such as shadow, (12) relationship-killing personality disorders, (13) differing live purposes, and (14) blocked or unaligned chakras. 
Learn more about 26 Modules.

How can you reach me?

I offer Integral relationship consultations in English and German for singles and couples in person (currently Istanbul, Turkey), via skype (username: martinucik), zoom, by phone (International +1-707-566-2106 or Turkey +9 0535-863 64 50), WhatsApp from the US 01190 535 863 6450 or from Europe 0090 535 863 6450, or by email [email protected].



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