Registration for the online workshop “Enneagram Types“
Learn and practice how to identify which of the nine Enneagram types you and your partner resonate most with. From there you can feel into your “wings” (the type next to yours that you identify with) and the types you move towards under stress and when you relax. Understand how your types combination positively and negatively impact your relationship by comparing them online. Put your type in the context of the unhealthy, average, and healthy levels of expression. Explore how to communicate your values and needs, and how to meet those of your partner. Become informed about one of three instinctual variants that underlie each type that are crucial for you to get along. Co-create a rewarding and thriving love relationship by creating synergy between your Enneagram types.
Where: Zoom
Duration: 2 hours
Price: $30
- Saturday, January 29th, 8:45 / 9:00 AM UTC (12:45 / 1:00 AM PST – 3:45 / 4:00 AM EST – 9:45 / 10:00 AM CET)
- Sunday, January 30h, 5:45 / 6:00 PM UTC (9:45 / 10:00 AM PST – 12:45 / 1:00 PM EST – 6:45 / 7:00 PM CET)*
Use this to convert UTC to your local time.
*Due to the diversity of the attendees’ time zones, we are offering you to join the workshop either on Saturday or Sunday, so that you can select the time that suits you better.
The host of the event is the German-American author, trainer, and relationship consultant – Martin Ucik.
You will receive a Zoom link and a payment link after you fill in the form below.
Important: You will have to make the payment before the workshop starts to be able to attend and participate.
Registration form