Below are (old) testimonials from workshop participants.

Click here for newer video
Click here for book reviews.
Click here for the workshop description

“I got so much out of this presentation. I really liked the comments and quotes you shared about how it is in our intimate relationships and how we develop the most spiritually.”

The Integral Relationships Workshop with Martin Ucik was an inspiring and eye-opening weekend for both of us. I think what truly sets Martin and his work apart is his phenomenal ability to process and communicate vast amounts of diverse relationship wisdom into a digestible format that feeds the mind… and somewhat unexpectedly, the heart as well. Many experiential practices are woven throughout the course so that we not only understand the content but also feel it deeply. This combination of knowledge and real world application is missing in a lot of offerings in the world today and in the integral community in particular. We both loved Martin and his style.”
David & Beth

Before taking Martin’s Integral Relationships weekend workshop in Santa Rosa, I had arrived at a place in my life where I had essentially given up on the possibility of ever having the kind of mutually supportive, invigorating relationship I had envisioned as necessary for me to have a fulfilling life through expressing all my human aspirations. Martin has changed that.

The workshop, and his book, have given me a context for all my knowledge, beliefs, wisdom and life experiences in that pursuit, and a guide for renewing my quest. He is a passionate scholar of this most important of human endeavors, and has distilled and offered the essence of what other thinkers have offered with an unblinking eye of compassion in his sober judgements of their contributions and limitations.

I see/feel/think that in the integral model Martin elucidates and practices, a way froward for me and any others who wish to walk this earth being their authentic selves, and to find and build the partnerships needed to achieve this noble end.
And to top it off the workshop was astonishingly fun!

Martin is gifted at presenting critical distinctions experientially, grounding his work in our own bodies so we may know and be the truth for ourselves.



Martin’s being of vulnerability, his humility, and his knowledge of this material made for a tremendous weekend workshop. I learned about my partner, about Ken Wilber’s work, and about myself.
Marc Sadoff


The talking part last night was great — you struck the perfect note of wry and self-deprecating — you’re either a practiced or very gifted speaker. The audience also really seemed to click with:

– the shame-guilt part
– the 5 languages of love
– checking out prospective dates by email to find out their enneagram/language of love style
– the idea that people can be very advanced spiritually but on other axes not so advanced (or vice versa) ”


What a beautiful “holon” of love we co-created together!
“Thank you again for calling forth such a powerful vibration of love, growth and inspiration which I felt in attending the Los Angeles Integral Relationship Workshop. When I first read your book (Marc’s copy) I was overwhelmed with the charts, graphs, diagrams, etc., as my brain does not easily grasp a concept in a visual format. And yet through the written word of your text I was intrigued enough to attend your workshop and to learn more about Integral Relationships.

I was wonderfully surprised at how much I grew to understand this concept and attribute it fully to the format of your workshop. Through the many experiential exercises [almost 20] I was able to understand the concepts introduced to me in your book. And thus, am better equipped to practice this as a way of being in the world for better understanding and compassion for myself and my partner as well as all those I am connected to in relationship.

I appreciate the way we opened up the workshop on Saturday in meditation and with the “circle of affirmation” and then immediately into the pairing up in the quadrants with a partner. This really helped break the ice and set the tone for a safe place to be “real” for the weekend. I found the lists of questions you supplied most helpful in inviting a more authentic and open dialogue with another.

You’re facilitation kept me so engaged the entire two days of the workshop that not once did I care to check the time. By the end of the day Sunday, I felt so connected to not only each workshop attendee but to my extended community and the planet as a whole. What a beautiful “holon” of love we co-created together!

I’m so grateful to you, Martin, for the work you have done in your life in writing this book, for your courage and integrity in sharing it with others – and most of all for allowing me to feel and see a heart wide open to love! My prayer is that you continue to share your love and gifts to as many people as possible.”

Thank you for the way you show up in Life. Your life is truly a blessing! Thank you for sharing a bit of that with me.”

In gratitude and in joy,

Rumi Noon

I got so much out of this presentation. It was great to hear and see how you have integrated all the relationship theories. It was a wonderful forum to learn, and to talk to some other people in the session who are all open to how integral applies to love relationships. Thanks. 


I cannot recommend Martin’s seminars highly enough; his work comes from an authentic heart, sharing knowledge, compassion and love, truly a gift for those of us fortunate enough to receive it. I heartily endorse his great work!

Eliot Bissey


Dieser Moment, wenn sich unsere Augen begegnen und sich das Sehen auf das Du
Was wird dann möglich?
Die Unsicherheit gesehen zu werden, bin ich bereit?
Und während etwas in mir fragt, ist die Reise schon weitergegangen und mein Ich
beginnt Facetten zu entdecken, Schattierungen, Einzelheiten.
Die Kontrolle versucht mich zurück zu halten. Sie ruft mir Warnungen zu.
Die Hingabe ist schon in den Fluss gesprungen und ich erlaube mir dich zu sehen.
In deinem Einlassen auf diesen Moment werde ich sichtbar und der Raum des
Schauens öffnet sich.
Weiche Klarheit, die Schönheit einem Du zu begegnen.
Schleier um Schleier fällt. Mein Ich wird nackt, entblößt. Meine Angst schreit.
Das Schauen übernimmt die Führung und Atemzug für Atemzug sinke ich tiefer,
gehalten von unseren Augen, die einander nicht loslassen.
Bin ich schön genug? Bin ich offen genug?
Und während diese Fragen wie ein Windhauch durch mich hindurch ziehen, wächst
unaufhörlich unsere Verbindung. Ich sehe das Kind, deinen Schmerz, deine Sehnsucht,
dein Wirken in der Welt. Deine Augen erzählen mir deine Lebensgeschichte, ohne das
ein Wort gesprochen ist.
Einander halten.
Der Tanz von Ich und Du.
Gehen wir weiter? Und mit der Entscheidung, die wir blitzschnell treffen, versinken wir
tiefer in einen Rausch, der uns für immer verändert.
Und mein Herz wird so groß und weit, als habe die ganze Welt darin Platz.

Nachlese zum Seminar „ Integrale Beziehungen“, 23./24.5.2015 in München

Claudia Maria Werner, Dipl.- Psychologin, ROMPC®- Therapeutin, NaturCoach,
Wege zum Wesentlichen – Wüstenreisen
Josef- Retzerstr. 36, D- 81241 München , Tel: +49 – 89 – 55292301,
[email protected],

Claudia Maria Werner

Videos – Past Events – Participant Feedback

Below, participants of the New York Integral Relationships Workshop share their experiences and insights.

Below, participants of the Seattle Integral Relationships Workshop share their experiences and insights.

The Video below features a conversation between the late Jackie Bergman ( and Martin Ucik right after the New York Workshop in June.
In the first 6 Minutes they talk about a four quadrants and developmental approach to relationships.
In the second part they discuss the impact of the sexual selection process on socioeconomic and environmental issues.

See the full introduction and more videos here (scroll down below photos)