Of course my answer is to become integrally informed about love relationships by integrating the essential wisdom from the East (e.g. chakras and spirituality) with the scientific knowledge from the West (e.g. psychology, anthropology, medicine and sociology). To be integrally informed means to combine experience with knowledge. And there seems to be no better place in the world to do this than Istanbul. The knowledge you gain from my books, e.g. Integral Partnerlik in Turkish or Sex Purpose Love in English. The experience you gain through exercises with other participants in our workshops where you practice unconditional love, the four dimensions of our being through which we love, stages of consciousness development through which we communicate, the fear shame dynamic that we need to avoid, the healthy feminine-masculine qualities that we need to balance and harmonize, our spiritual and sexual development that we need to share, the anima-animus complex that we need to heal, our personality types that we need to synergize, our attachment stories that we need to rewrite, our false identities and emotional triggers that we need to transcend, and our purpose that we need to share at the level of all seven chakras. The combination of experience and knowledge will give you a very clear sense of who you are and who you will become, and who your ideal existing or future new partner is to share this journey (called life) with. I would be honored to share a little part of this journey with you during our workshops and events.