Module 1: "Four Dimensions of Being and Relating" Thursday, Sep. 29. 8:45 / 9:00 AM UTC Sunday, Oct. 2. 5:45 / 6:00 PM

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Learn and practice how to build a solid foundation for a healthy sustainable Integral Love Relationship. Realize that four essential dimensions of your human being and relating come into intimate contact with each other when you fall in love and enter a committed romantic relationship, regardless of whether or not you and your partner are consciously aware of them.

Registration form

Module 1 "The Four Dimensions of Being and Relating"
Select the day and time of the training session you want to attend for $30
Module 2: "Survival, magic, and power in love relationships" Thursday, Oct. 6. 8:45 / 9:00 AM UTC Sunday, Oct. 9. 5:45 / 6:00 PM

Book to learn and explore how the archaic, magic, and egocentric stages of consciousness developed in your earlier life and how they impact your love relationships today.

Registration form

Module 1 "The Four Dimensions of Being and Relating"
Select the day and time of the training session you want to attend for $30