On October 8. 2015, San Diego Integral will host a 6:30 to 9:30 pm meeting at 3197 Via de Caballo, Encinitas, CA (see directions at the bottom of this post.)
In the first part of the evening, we will explore the basic Integral Relationship model through a short presentation, exercises and a Q&A session.
In the second part, we will explore and discuss Martin’s hypothesis why co-creation and procreation in healthy love relationships matter for a peaceful and sustainable future for all humanity.
Using an Integral approach to love relationships as described in Integral Relationships: A Manual for Men allowed many singles and couples around the world to end the drama and suffering in their love lives. Taking an Integral approach also allowed practitioners to understand why certain singles would not be interested in partnerships with them in the first place, and accept with loving compassion and understanding when partners would unilaterally end a dating or committed love relationship with them.
Alas, the Integral Relationship approach alone did not answer the question why and how to co-create healthy, sustainable love relationships between equal and opposite partners that serve the greatest good for the largest number of people, and so address the significant problems that humanity is facing, such as climate change, social injustice, over/under-population, over-aging of modern societies, migration, etc.
For the co-creation of such relationships, three additional embodies practices are necessary:
1. That we take an Enlightened Evolutionary approach to our love relationships.
2. That partners love each other at the level of all seven Chakras in an Integral way.
3. That we realize why co-creation and procreation in healthy love relationships matter for the evolution of consciousness and a peaceful and sustainable future for all humanity.
You can read an abstract here.
Martin Ucik (1957 – ) was born in West-Germany, grew up in a happy family, studied Electrical Engineering, and founded a successful international music-soft and hardware publishing company in 1982. He came to the US in 1995 with his wife and children to serve as President of HOHNER MIDIA. Eckhart Tolle trained him as a spiritual group facilitator in 2003. Heartfelt conversations in his Power of Now group and the end of his 14 year marriage led him to a deeper interest in male-female relationship dynamics. To better understand why there are so many singles and unhappy couples in the US, and why finding a new partner was so difficult for him, he founded singles2couples.org, an Association for Healthy Relationships.
In 2006 he became an avid student of Ken Wilber’s Integral philosophy which became the foundation to answering his burning questions about the myriad of conflicts which arise in love relationships, and why so many women have given up on men altogether.
Not finding any books that took an integral approach to dating and the co-creation of healthy love relationships, he began to write “Integral Relationships: A Manual for Men“, which was published in July 2010. He currently offers a one year training for Integral Relationship Practitioners and works on a new book titled “Integral Evolutionary Love Relationships: Why Co-Creation and Procreation Matter“.
Besides writing about and studying relationships from an integral perspective, his interests include spending time with his children, reading, playing piano/keyboards, hiking, jogging, cooking vegetarian food, philosophical groups, and meditating.
He lives in Sherman Oaks, and Santa Rosa, California, as well as in Germany, and works as President and CEO for Sommer cable America and as strategic business consultant for the Hollywood, CA based Pro Audio distribution firm plus24.net.
15. – 17 Mai 2015 Abendvortrag und Workshop im Qi-Gong Zentrum Gronsdorf bei München (auf deutsch)
Fr. Abend 15. Mai, 19:00 – 22:00
Unterhaltsame und lehrreiche Einführung in die integrale Beziehungsvision (Power Point Präsentation, Videos.), Gruppendiskussion, F&A und Buchsignierung.
Nur Abendvortrag: 10 EUR (Ãœberweisung)
15 EUR (Abendkasse)
Anmeldung nur Abendvortrag
Erfahrungsorientierter Wochenend-Workshop:
Sa. 16. Mai 10:00 – 18:00 & So. 17. Mai 9:00 – 17:00
Über 20 Individual-, Paar- und Gruppenübungen erlauben ihnen unkonditonierte Liebe und das integrale Beziehungsmodel zu erleben und zu verkörpern.
Anmeldung Workshop (mit Abendvortrag)
Ganzes Wochenende:
147 EUR für Wiederholer 197 EUR für die ersten 8 Anmelder (Nicht-Mitglieder Integrales Forum) und Mitglieder Integrales Forum
297 EUR Normalpreis
Sonderaktion: die ersten 5 Anmelder (inkl. Wiederholer) können je eine Begleitperson kostenfrei mitbringen!
Klicken sie hier für Videos.
Qi-Gong Zentrum München
Peter-Wolfram-Strasse 31
85540 Gronsdorf
Lokale Organisation:
Dr. Siegfried Falter
[email protected]
8. – 10 Mai 2015 Abendvortrag und Workshop im Info-POINT JaqKrü Berlin (auf deutsch)
Fr. Abend 8. Mai, 19:00 – 22:00
Unterhaltsame und lehrreiche Einführung in die integrale Beziehungsvision (Power Point Präsentation, Videos.), Gruppendiskussion, F&A und Buchsignierung.
Nur Abendvortrag: 10 EUR (Ãœberweisung)
15 EUR (Abendkasse)
Anmeldung nur Abendvortrag über Deutsche Integral Akademie
Erfahrungsorientierter Wochenend-Workshop:
Sa. 9. Mai 10:00 – 18:00 & So. 10. Mai 9:00 – 17:00
Über 20 Individual-, Paar- und Gruppenübungen erlauben ihnen unkonditonierte Liebe und das integrale Beziehungsmodel zu erleben und zu verkörpern.
Anmeldung Workshop (mit Abendvortrag) über Deutsche Integral Akademie
Ganzes Wochenende:
147 EUR für Wiederholer 197 EUR für die ersten 8 Anmelder (Nicht-Mitglieder Integrales Forum) und Mitglieder Integrales Forum
297 EUR Normalpreis
Sonderaktion: die ersten 5 Anmelder (inkl. Wiederholer) können je eine Begleitperson kostenfrei mitbringen!
Klicken sie hier für Workshop Beschreibung und hier für Videos.
Info-POINT JaqKrü
Markgraf-Albrecht-Str. 1
10711 Berlin
Tel. 030 / 308 31 161
Lokale Organisation:
Berthold Malchow
[email protected]
Join Dmitry Baranov and me on Thursday, March 19th at 7:00 PM (19:00 Hour) Moscow Time on Google Hangout for an exploration of co-created healthy, sustainable love relationships through using the Integral Relationship Model.
Visit https://ipraktik.timepad.ru/event/176471/Â for details in Russian, to register and to submit your questions. Dmitry will translate our conversation into Russian.
You can also download the Russian eBook version of Integral Relationship at http://ipraktik.ru/store/ebooks/19-martin-ucik-integralnie-otnosheniya.html
Thank you for joining us. I look forward to an interesting exploration and discussion with you. Martin Ucik