Avoiding the Fear – Shame Downward Spiral


Please select below either Saturday or Sunday you want to attend the session.

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Learn and practice how to avoid going down the fear-shame spiral and how to heal and return to love if it already happened.

About 50% of relationships crash because couples unconsciously go down the fear-shame spiral. The first step to avoid this unnecessary and emotionally frustrating painful downward spiral is for men to understand why women experience fear under relationship stress, and for women to understand why men experience shame. Second, we need to recognize and learn about the nine phases of the downward spiral and why they unfold in the order that they do. The third step is to practice how to reverse our path down the spiral by emotionally connecting with our partner’s fear or shame at each level. This allows us to make amends and to return to the romance, love, and intimacy that we experienced at the beginning of the relationship. By joining us, you will make your own love relationship crash-proof and become able to support your family and friends who are going down the spiral in finding back to love.

Additional information

Choose the day and time

Saturday, November 20th, 9:00 AM UTC (12:45 / 1:00 AM PST – 3:45 / 4:00 AM EST – 9:45 / 10:00 AM CET), Sunday, November 21st, 6:00 PM UTC (9:45 / 10:00 AM PST – 12:45 / 1:00 PM EST – 6:45 / 7:00 PM CET)