Feminine-Masculine Polarities


Please select below either Saturday or Sunday you want to attend the session.

SKU: N/A Category:

Learn and practice how to develop, balance, and harmonize healthy feminine and masculine polarities for the co-creation of sexual attraction and synergy in happy sustainable love relationships. Embodying these four polarities allows both partners to be simultaneously whole in themselves and part of the relationship.

The Integral Relationship model equates ascending and agency with masculine and descending and communion with feminine energies. Each has healthy and unhealthy expressions.

After the introduction to the four polarities and establishing that males and females can equally embody them, we will engage in several exercises with music and movement to experience their healthy and unhealthy expressions. This will enable you to realize your healing and growth potentials for the co-creation of healthy love relationships.

Additional information

Choose the day and time

Saturday, November 27th, 9:00 AM UTC (12:45 / 1:00 AM PST – 3:45 / 4:00 AM EST – 9:45 / 10:00 AM CET), Sunday, November 28th, 6:00 PM UTC (9:45 / 10:00 AM PST – 12:45 / 1:00 PM EST – 6:45 / 7:00 PM CET)