Registration for the online workshop “

Learn and practice how to define, identify, and find or attract your soulmate. Most people want to be with their soulmate. They envision everlasting love, romance, sexual attraction, and happiness, and to live happily ever after once they fall in love–without having to do any ongoing work in their relationship. However, this is a magical fairytale fantasy that rarely, if ever, happens in real life.

A more mature understanding of soulmates is that they are compatible to live their biological purpose, challenge each other to become their best versions of themselves through ongoing mirroring, learning, healing, growing, and awakening, and share a purpose that is larger than either individual and makes the world a better place.

Join us to learn and practice what your soul desires in a mate on the material, lifestyle, physical, intellectual, ethical, creative, emotional, spiritual, and sexual level. Create your personal soulmate profile that allows you to chart your individual path that fits your personality to find or attract him or her.

We will explore:

  • What is the soul versus the ego?
  • What kind of soulmate are you ready for?
  • What are your needs and desires, and how will your soul feel when they are met?
  • What qualities do you want to develop to become attractive to your soulmate?
  • What fears, shame and judgments do you need to let go off that prevent you from opening to love?
  • What strategy do you use to find/attract your soulmate or to deepen your relationship with an existing partner?

Where: Zoom
Duration: 2 hours
Price: $30

  • Saturday, March 26th, 8:45 / 9:00 AM UTC (1:45 / 2:00 AM PDT – 4:45 / 5:00 AM EDT – 9:45 / 10:00 AM CET)
  •  Sunday, March 27th, 5:45 / 6:00 PM UTC (10:45 / 11:00 AM PDT – 1:45 / 2:00 PM EDT – 7:45 / 8:00 PM CEST)*

Use this to convert UTC to your local time.

*Due to the diversity of the attendees’ time zones, we are offering you to join the workshop either on Saturday or Sunday, so that you can select the time that suits you better.

The host of the event is the German-American author, trainer, and relationship consultant – Martin Ucik.

You will receive a Zoom link and a payment link after you fill in the form below.
Important: You will have to make the payment before the workshop starts to be able to attend and participate. 


Registration form


“Soulmates” workshop
Select the day and time you want to attend “Soulmates” workshop