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Integral Relationship Workshops

ID Academy Drueholm (near Copenhagen), Slimmingevej 34, 4100 Ringsted, Denmark.


Module 1: May 15, 16. and 17. 2015
Module 2: September 2. – September 6. 2015
Module 3: November 25. – November 29. 2015
Module 4: TBA
Module 5: Optional certification and five day Workshop Facilitator training: TBA
Click here to register for Denmark training.
Click here to request more information and to sign up for FREE introduction calls.


ID Academy Santa Rosa and/or Los Angeles (location to be announced)


Module 1: June 3. – June 7. 2015
Module 2: September 16. – September 20. 2015
Module 3: TBA
Module 4: TBA
Module 5: Optional certification and five day Workshop Facilitator training: TBA

One year course with four Wednesday - Sunday in-person group trainings with Martin Ucik and his team in Drueholm, DK or California (location to be announced), bimonthly group support calls, ongoing online forums, and individual coaching, including course material and letter of completion:
3900€ / US $5360, (not including travel expenses, meals, accommodations and required books).
Click here to register for Denmark training.
Click here to request more information and to sign up for FREE introduction calls.

Click "Buy Now" below to register and pay for California Training.

[nicepaypal option1="dropprice;training;Payment Options;Refundable (up to 6 weeks bfr. 1. Module) Down-Payment:360.00;Remaining Amount Due 2 Weeks Before Training:5000.00;Full Amount:5360.00;Pay-As-You-Go Module 1:1450.00;Pay-As-You-Go Module 2:1450.00;Pay-As-You-Go Module 3:1450.00;Pay-As-You-Go Module 4:1450.00;Pay-As-You-Go Module 1 After Down-Payment:1090.00"]


Written, oral and practical exam for Integral Relationship Practitioner certification through ID Academy Denmark:
300€ / US $400
Click here to register for Denmark certification.

Click "Buy Now" below to register and pay for California certification.

[nicepaypal type="buy" name="Integral Relationship Practitioner ID Academy Certification (CA)" amount="400"] 


Five day Integral Relationship Workshop Facilitator Training for qualifying IR Practitioner graduates in Drueholm or California:
970€ / US $1290
Click here to register for Denmark training.

Click "Buy Now" below to register and pay for California Training

[nicepaypal type="buy" name="Integral Relationship Workshop Facilitator Training CA" amount="1290"] 


Other Integral Relationship Events with Martin

Thank you for considering to participate in one of our upcoming Integral Relationship events. We would love to see you there. Please also invite your family and friends, as relationships touch everybody's life and are such an essential part of our human experience. Learn and practice how to improve your love life by differentiating and integrating body, mind, feminine/masculine polarities, heart, shadow and spirit in a developmental/evolutionary cultural and social context.

  • Singles will receive a clear roadmap to finding/attracting and identifying compatible partners for the co-creation of sustainable healthy love relationships (and may meet their soul-mate at the event.)
  • Couples will identify and realize healing and growth potentials that allow them to deepen and sustain their loving connection at the level of body, mind, heart and soul/spirit.

30. Jan -1. Februar 2015 Abendvortrag (Buchhandlung in München) und Workshop im Qi-Gong Zentrum Gronsdorf bei München (auf deutsch)


Fr. Abend 30. Januar, 19:00 - 22:00

Unterhaltsame und lehrreiche Einführung in die integrale Beziehungsvision (Power Point Präsentation, Videos.), Gruppendiskussion, F&A und Buchsignierung.

Nur Abendvortrag: 10 EUR (Überweisung)
15 EUR (Abendkasse)

Erfahrungsorientierter Wochenend-Workshop:
Sa. 31. Januar 10:00 - 18:00 & So. 1. Februar 9:00 - 17:00

Über 20 Individual-, Paar- und Gruppenübungen erlauben ihnen unkonditonierte Liebe und das integrale Beziehungsmodel zu erleben.

Ganzes Wochenende:
147 EUR für Wiederholer 197 EUR für die ersten 8 Anmelder (Nicht-Mitglieder Integrales Forum) und Mitglieder Integrales Forum
247 EUR ermäßigt (auf Anfrage)
297 EUR Normalpreis
Sonderaktion: die ersten 5 Anmelder (inkl. Wiederholer) können je eine Begleitperson kostenfrei mitbringen!

Klicken sie hier für Workshop Beschreibung und hier für Videos.

Anmeldung in Kürze über Deutsche Integral Akademie

Qi-Gong Zentrum München
Peter-Wolfram-Strasse 31
85540 Gronsdorf

Lokale Organisation:
Dr. Siegfried Falter
[email protected]

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Please visit again for additional events around the world and contact us if you would like to host an event.
Click here for introduction and workshop descriptions and more testimonials.

"I cannot recommend Martin’s seminars highly enough; his work comes from an authentic heart, sharing knowledge, compassion and love, truly a gift for those of us fortunate enough to receive it. I heartily endorse his great work!"
- Eliot Bissey, Integral-Matrix, Los Angeles

"My prayer is that you continue to share your love and gifts with as many people as possible."
- Rumi Noon

"The Integral Relationships Workshop with Martin Ucik was an inspiring and eye-opening weekend for both of us. Many experiential practices are woven throughout the course so that we not only understand the content but also feel it deeply.  This combination of knowledge and real world application is missing in a lot of offerings in the world today and in the integral community in particular.  We both loved Martin and his style." 
- David & Beth, Los Angeles, CA

Click here for Videos and more Testimonials

  • Meet your partner fully at all levels of body, mind, heart and soul/spirit.
  • Create a clear road map to realizing your full relationship potentials.
  • If single, find a partner for a fulfilling partnership.

The Integral relationship approach is not just another relationship fad! It integrates the wisdom from over 200 relationship books and places them into Ken Wilber's acclaimed AQAL Model. The Integral knowledge and practice allows you to meet your partner at his/her level of consciousness and to co-create a sustainable, healing and growth oriented partnership. Join Us!

"When I first read your book I was overwhelmed with the charts, graphs, diagrams, etc.  I was wonderfully surprised at how much I grew to understand this concept and attribute it fully to the format of your workshop." Rumi Noon

"Martin's being of vulnerability, his humility, and his knowledge of this material made for a tremendous weekend workshop. I learned about my partner, about Ken Wilber's work, and about myself." - Marc Sadoff, MSW, BCD

"I cannot recommend Martin’s seminars highly enough; his work comes from an authentic heart, sharing knowledge, compassion and love, truly a gift for those of us fortunate enough to receive it. I heartily endorse his great work!"
- Eliot Bissey, Integral-Matrix, Los Angeles

"The Integral Relationships Workshop with Martin Ucik was an inspiring and eye-opening weekend for both of us.  I think what truly sets Martin and his work apart is his phenomenal ability to process and communicate vast amounts of diverse relationship wisdom into a digestible format that feeds the mind... and somewhat unexpectedly, the heart as well.  Many experiential practices are woven throughout the course so that we not only understand the content but also feel it deeply.  This combination of knowledge and real world application is missing in a lot of offerings in the world today and in the integral community in particular.  We both loved Martin and his style." - David & Beth, Los Angeles, CA

Please send an email to [email protected] if you want to host a local event. We appreciate your support!