Registration for the online workshop "Spiritual Development"
 Experience five state-stages of spiritual development or waking up and how they are interpreted from eight levels of consciousness development or growing up.
These insights are essential for understanding why we may deeply resonate and fall in love with a partner on a spiritual level, but struggle to co-create a healthy love relationship because of differing needs, values, concerns, and world-views, and spiritual bypassing.
- Learn about and experience five state-stages of spiritual development through a guided meditation.
- Strengthen your witnessing self or subject by becoming present with objects and disidentify (not dissociating, repressing, or splitting-off) from Ego desires, attachments, and hatreds/delusions on the material/physical, mental, emotional, and even awakened/enlightened level.
- Integrate these four levels of spiritual realization (gross, subtle, causal, and pure witness) in non-dual awareness.
- Explore how these five state-stages of spiritual realization (waking up) are interpreted by people at eight different levels of consciousness development or maturity (growing up).
- Stop conflating spiritual development with consciousness development.
- Avoid spiritual bypassing, including exaggerated detachment, emotional numbing and repression, overemphasis on the positive, anger-phobia, blind or overly tolerant compassion, weak or to porous boundaries, lopsided development (cognitive intelligence being far ahead of emotional and moral intelligence), debilitating judgment about one's negativity or shadow elements, devaluation of the personal relative to the spiritual, and delusions of having arrived at the highest level of being or enlightenment.
These insights allow you to further grow and awaken in your love relationship with a compatible partner.
Where: Zoom
The duration: 2 hours
The price: $30
Time: Saturday 8:45 / 9:00 AM UTC (12:45 / 1:00 AM PST - 3:45 / 4:00 AM EST - 9:45 / 10:00 AM CET)
      Sunday 5:45 / 6:00 PM UTC (9:45 / 10:00 AM PST - 12:45 / 1:00 PM EST - 6:45 / 7:00 PM CET)*
*Due to the diversity of the attendees' time zones, we are offering you to join the workshop either on Saturday or on Sunday, so that you can select the time that suits you better.
The host of the event is the German-American author, trainer, and relationship consultant - Martin Ucik.
You will receive a Zoom link and a payment link after you fill in the form below.
Important: You will have to make the payment before the workshop starts to be able to attend and participate.Â
Registration form