Aug. 18: Shock and Complex Trauma

Aug. 18: Shock and Complex Trauma

Click on the image to the left to register to join Martin and other Integral Relationship explorers for Session #1 of 12 practice Sessions about integrating exercises from his new book Integral Relationship Practice and the upcoming Integral Relationship Online...
Co-Creative and Procreative Impulse

Co-Creative and Procreative Impulse

The problem with Creationsim, Evolutionary Theory, and Intelligent Design is that they let humans off the hook from taking full responsibility for a better world and a peaceful and sustainable future for humanity by co-creating more goodness, truth, beauty and...
When Shadow Meets the Bodhisattva Book Review

When Shadow Meets the Bodhisattva Book Review

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly: Andrew Cohen changed my life during his talk about Evolutionary Enlightenment in the fall of 2010 in Sausalito, CA. During it, I began to realize that there is a co-creative life force (what he calls evolutionary impulse) that...
Why Relationships Matter

Why Relationships Matter

Ideas move from mind to mind, but I don’t know that these ideas are always selected with reference to what helps the listeners leave the most offspring in the next generation. ~ Holmes Rolston III ~ A better system will not automatically ensure a better life. In fact,...