Is There a Male and Female Spirituality?

Is There a Male and Female Spirituality?

Yes, as long as we associate male with masculine and female with feminine. Masculine is defined as ascending and agentic, and feminine with descending and communion. They are obvious opposites in the dual world of emptiness and form. Of course, there are masculine...
What is The Pre-Trans Fallacy?

What is The Pre-Trans Fallacy?

A common problem, and actually the definition of New-Age thought and spirituality, is that its adherents commit the pre-trans or pre-post fallacy. They confuse pre-rational childish or magical beliefs with transrational experiences, because they are both irrational....
Is Our Mind Creating Our Reality?

Is Our Mind Creating Our Reality?

There are three dimensions to what we call “reality”. (1) The Real or essence, which exists independent of human knowledge or an observer, representing the underlying generative (causal) mechanisms or structures or fields (or powers) that co-create the flux of...
What are The Four Forms of Spirituality?

What are The Four Forms of Spirituality?

When people are asked what being spiritual means to them, their answers fall into three brought categories. The first is to seek a state of awareness that is free of pain and suffering by transcending the body and mind, and becoming one with everything (God or...
Evolutionary Enlightenment

Evolutionary Enlightenment

Living in “The NOW” or “Present Moment” is a huge step forward in our spiritual development and has been considered for eons to be the ultimate spiritual attainment. But resent history also teaches us about the evolution of consciousness and cultures. Non-Dual...