Book to learn and practice how to transform your relationship conflicts into opportunities for ongoing learning, healing, growing, awakening.
Discover your true identity or essence through a simple, yet profound, six-step process.
Take full responsibility for your primary emotional reactions to your partner’s reality instead of becoming defensive.
Get in touch with the underlying vulnerable feelings that are protected by your primary emotional reactions and make them conscious.
Realize the false beliefs about yourself that are hidden below your vulnerable feelings.
Face your deepest fears. State your false identity.
Receive an affirmation and additional information about your true identity.
Heal your emotional wounds and psychological trauma by becoming fully present and by changing the ways you think about yourself and behave.
Stop feeling responsible for your partner’s emotional reactions to your reality, and instead meet him or her with love, compassion, and understanding in mutuality.
Move towards ever-deepening intimacy, passion, and commitment by being less defensive.
Feel, all of the time, the way you felt when you first fell in love.
Enjoy an undefended love relationship.