Book to learn and practice how/if the pluralistic stage of consciousness developed in your life, and how it impacts your love relationships today.
Feel how this stage allows for greater compassion, idealism, and involvement by providing a sense that all human beings—regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, cultural background, or class—are born equal and should be equally treated, heard, and respected.
Realize how people in this stage reject hierarchy/patriarchy and establish lateral social structures with an emphasis on values such as communion, empathy, peace, compassion, nonviolence, and consensus among all.
Develop a sense that all souls are connected in a web of life.
Develop a deep caring for Mother Earth and all its inhabitants and, along with it, the desire to find peace and happiness within, which triggers an exploration of the feelings and inner experiences of the self and others, with an increasing attention to the unconscious and subjective.
Recognize the potential downside of this worldview, as rationality is dismissed and the feminine is established as being superior to the masculine.  This perspective can lead to new-age narcissism and relativism, along with unending discussions in which all parties add divergent observations and feelings without ever achieving consensus and reaching decisions. Such continual, unresolved discussions, despite the best intentions, often make love relationships challenging and unstable.
Look at the healthy needs and expressions of this fascinating stage, as well as the unhealthy aspects and limited views.
Understand how a lack of healthy integration at this stage, as well as attachments to limited views, are often the cause for relationship conflicts and breakups, especially when one partner is at a later or earlier stage of development than the other.