I am only attracted to spiritual partners with complex personalities. Initially, these relationships are very exciting and we feel like soul-mates. But eventually, I feel used and burn out. How can I change this pattern?

I am only attracted to spiritual partners with complex personalities. Initially, these relationships are very exciting and we feel like soul-mates. But eventually, I feel used and burn out. How can I change this pattern?

It sounds like you are a highly evolved and empathetic person who thrives on deep intimacy and likes to help others. That is a wonderful trait. Unfortunately, people like you (and I fell into this trap as well several times) are often attracted to partners with...
27.2.2020 Sex Bestimmung Liebe Vortrag Köln-Bonn

27.2.2020 Sex Bestimmung Liebe Vortrag Köln-Bonn

Liebe integral Interessierte,   der Integrale Salon Köln/Bonn lädt herzlich ein zu einem Vortrag mit Martin Ucik zu seinem neuen Buch    Sex Bestimmung Liebe   Paare in integralen Beziehungen schaffen eine bessere Welt   Donnerstag, 27.02.2020 von...
COSM Part 2: Transcendental Purpose

COSM Part 2: Transcendental Purpose

I am very honored that world-renowned artists Alex and Allyson Grey invited me to contribute an article about the Dialectic of Love to their COSM Journal of Visionary Culture #10 about LOVE. You can order your copy...
Fear Shame Downward Spiral Exercise

Fear Shame Downward Spiral Exercise

Man: I now realize that I stopped being romantic when I no longer ………. instead of showing my love and care for you by ….. (think of love languages). I am very sorry and feel ….. when this confused, disappointed and scared you. Going forward I will ….. (think about her...