by Martin Ucik | Apr 21, 2020 | Blog
It may not be important to you personally, but it is important for the rest of us. Like all living beings, you already live the essential parts of your purpose; to survive, to join groups, and to seek the best possible quality of life or happiness. Finding and living...
by Martin Ucik | Apr 20, 2020 | Blog
By realizing that (1) everybody is right from their own perspective and level of development (view), (2) by being curious about their view, and (3) by accepting that not everybody can understand or relate to your view. With perspective I mean can you and the person...
by Martin Ucik | Apr 17, 2020 | Blog
This is a common problem for people who are more evolved/understanding than their partner. We can often understand the needs, values and worldviews of our partner, but he or she can not see and accept ours. This is because the Ego, our self identity and separate sense...
by Martin Ucik | Apr 16, 2020 | Blog
Your soul is like the seed of a plant. It holds your full human potential, just like an acorn holds the potential to grow into an oak tree. Soulmates uniquely see each other’s full human potentials and complement and challenge each other to realize it. These...
by Martin Ucik | Apr 15, 2020 | Blog
Let me first remind you that feminine and masculine polarities can be equally embodied by males and females. Each of them has healthy and unhealthy expressions. Even though there may be certain genetic predispositions for men and women to be either more masculine or...
by Martin Ucik | Apr 14, 2020 | Blog
The first false belief that you may hold is to think that happiness and joy will come from the outside. This may be true for short-term pleasures, but they often either create long-term suffering and are difficult to control. A mindful meditation practice will allow...