I can’t find love. What can I do?

I can’t find love. What can I do?

Divided couple are separated by white wall Of course my answer is to become integrally informed about love relationships by integrating the essential wisdom from the East (e.g. chakras and spirituality) with the scientific knowledge from the West (e.g. psychology,...
How to create a common Relationship language.

How to create a common Relationship language.

The first step is to identify what level of consciousness you and your partner are at (magic, egocentric, conformist, rational, pluralistic, or integral), as people at different levels use different arguments for validating what is good, true, beautiful and practical...
How can I love unconditionally?

How can I love unconditionally?

There are two forms of unconditional love. One is localized, for example loving a child, pet, parent or  partner unconditionally. This means, whatever will happen, I extend myself for the purpose of nurturing your material and physical well-being, as well as your...
Why do the conflicts in our marriage repeat?

Why do the conflicts in our marriage repeat?

There can be multiple reasons, or a combination of them. Naturally, becoming integrally informed and experienced is the foundation for identifying resolving any relationship conflict. Below are a few reasons why you struggle:The first may be that you may have...