Integral Relationship Training #8 Modules
Join individual Modules for a $30 donation
Click on each of the event images below that you want to register for
Module 21: Personality Disorders
Register to learn and practice how not to fall in love with someone who is bad for you, and you for him or her, unless you want to. Identify possible symptoms of personality disorders. Choose how to respond to people who display symptoms, especially in love...
Module 22: Sharing Biological Purpose
Register to learn and practice how to identify and share your biological purpose and transformational purpose in a healthy love relationship. Reveal your belief in creationism, evolutionary theory, intelligent design, or a co-creative life force that fundamentally...
Module 23: Transcendental Purpose
Register to learn and practice how to awaken to, identify, live, and share your transcendental purpose that goes beyond your biological and transformational purpose. Reap the physical and psychological benefits from living your transformational purpose, such as...
Module 24: Soulmates
Register to learn and practice how to define, identify, and find or attract your soulmate. Connect with your soul’s deepest desires and yearnings for a mate to co-create on the biological, transformational, and transcendental level of your being. Remove psychological...
Module 25: Co-Creation at the Seven Chakras
Register to learn and practice how to co-create a healthy sustainable Integral Love Relationship with your soulmate at the level of your seven chakras. Engage in a meditative breathing and movement exercise that allows you to feel into the co-creative life force of...
Module 26: Why Relationships Matter and Health Path
Register to learn and realize why being in a healthy sustainable Integral Love Relationship not only matters for your own well-being and flourishing, but also for that of your soulmate, humanity, and future generations. Recognize that all functional systems are...
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