What is an Integral Relationship?

In an Integral Relationship, couples learn, heal, grow, and awaken together and serve a purpose that makes the world a better place.
They do this by bring the 14 essential elements for the co-creation of a healthy sustainable love relationship into a functional whole.

This allows equal and opposite partners to realize their fullest human potentials through ongoing learning, healing, growing, and awakening in the four dimensions of their being by balancing and harmonizing healthy feminine and masculine polarities and sharing their biological, transformational, and transcendental purpose at the level of all seven chakras to make the world a better place through co-creating more goodness, truth, beauty, and functioning.

Integral Love Relationships are unique because they build on the insight that adults have the potential for ongoing learning, healing, growing, and awakening, or “inter-becoming”, and to share a purpose that is larger than either individual.

The 26 Integral Relationship Modules

Learn and practice how to harmonize the “I”, “US”, “IT” and “ITs” dimensions of relating between your and your partner’s mental, physical, cultural, and social dimensions.

Learn about and explore the eight stages of consciousness development that profoundly impact your love relationships: Stages 1 – 3, Stages 4 – 5, Stage 6, and Stages 7 – 8.


Learn and practice how to successfully communicate at each stage of consciousness development:

Learn and practice to differentiate between biological differences and learned gender roles and how to avoid going down the fear-shame spiral (or return to love if you already did.)

Learn and practice how to balance and harmonize healthy feminine and masculine polarities for the co-creation of flow, sexual attraction, and synergy between couples.

Learn about and experience five spiritual state-stages of spiritual development from the Gross, Subtle, Causal, Witness, to Non-Dual.


Learn about and experience five state-stages of sexual development, ranging from repressed to scared/tantric.

Learn about and experience five stages of anima/animus complex development and how they profoundly impact your love relationships.

Learn about your and your partner’s 5 Love Languages and 9 Enneagram Types and how they impact all your relationships.

Learn and practice how to identify Four Attachment Styles (secure, anxious, avoidant, and anxious/avoidant) and how to become secure.


Learn and practice how to own your primary emotional reactions and underlying vulnerable feelings to your partners reality, and how to use them to love unconditionally. Explore eight different forms of love and the various states they pass through.

Learn and practice how to identify possible personality disorders that lead to the 22 stages of relationship decline.

Learn and practice how to identify and share your biological and transcendental purposes in a healthy love relationship and how to define, identify, and find or attract your soulmate.



Learn and practice how to identify and open the seven chakras in our body and create your personal roadmap to relationship success, no matter if you are single or with a partner.

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