Integral Relationship Online Training

Become a Certified Integral Relationship Practitioner, Professional, or Group Facilitator
Deutsche Version



After hosting over 520 Integral Relationship Online Training Sessions, Martin is taking a break to focus on finishing his forthcoming book “Integral Relationship Practice”, offering individual consultations, and supporting couples in 26-session private trainings. If there is enough interest, he may offer another 26 week training starting on Sep. 29. 2022.

Click here if you are interested in booking individual consultations with Martin.
Click here if you are interested in the 26-sessions couples training.
Click here if you are interested in a possible Training #6 starting Oct. 1. 2022.

Improve your love life and explore the purpose and complexity of love relationships in the 21st century


The Integral Relationship Training is a 26-week live online course for singles, couples, helping professionals, and group facilitators who want to learn and practice how to co-create healthy love relationships in the 21st century and, if they so desire, support others in doing so.
Take a deep dive to integrate all aspects to realize your full human potentials in the context of a love relationship. All sessions are 100% live with Martin Ucik - the guru of integral love relationships.

Each training session consists of three parts: (1) Introduction to the topic. (2) Group exercises with people from all around the world, in which participants share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences, (3) group sharing and questions and answers with Martin.


What is an Integral Relationship?


In an Integral Relationship, we bring the 14 essential elements for the co-creation of a healthy sustainable love relationship into a functional whole. Integral Love Relationships are unique because they build on the insight that adults have the potential for ongoing learning, healing, growing, and awakening, or “inter-becoming”, and to share a purpose that is larger than either individual and makes the world a better place. You'll study and practice all of these 14 elements in the 26 modules of the training. After completing the training you receive a certificate as an Integral Relationship Professional to offer  consultations and facilitate groups in your local community.

Who is Martin Ucik?

Martin is a visionary author, trainer, and relationship consultant. He wrote two books: Integral Relationships: A Manual for Men and Sex, Purpose, Love: Couples in Integral Relationships Creating a Better World, which Ken Wilber calls “terrific” and "ground-breaking".

He currently works on his forthcoming book, Integral Relationship Practice and offers consultations, private trainings for couples, and live workshops. He may offer another 26 week online training starting Oct. 1. 2022.

In his books and teachings, he takes an integral approach to love relationships between opposite and equal partners who balance and harmonize healthy feminine and masculine polarities in all four dimensions of their being along their seven chakras, and outlines why relationships with a shared purpose matter for a peaceful and sustainable future of humanity.

Read more about Martin.

For whom is the Integral Relationship Training?


  1. Singles who want to find/attract their soulmate for the co-creation of an Integral Love Relationship.
  2. Couples who want to learn, heal, grow, awaken, and share a purpose in their relationships.
  3. Coaches, consultants, therapists, trainers, and other helping professionals who want to enrich their relationship expertise.
  4. Community organizers who want to facilitate local Integral Relationship practice groups for singles and couples.

What you will receive:


  1. 26 interactive Zoom classes (2 weekly 2-hour group sessions for you to choose from.)
  2. Detailed worksheets for each of the 26 Modules. 
  3. Introductions, group and paired exercises, questions & answers, and sharing with people from around the world.
  4. 26 Integral Movie "Nights" (6:00 PM UTC) followed by sharing and discussions.
  5. Integral Relationship Professional and Group Facilitator Certificate of Completion that recognizes you as a qualified Integral Relationship Consultant.
  6. Listing on the international IRGF Map.
  7. One year free transferable membership on (a $97 value).
  8. 50% discount on personal consultations with Martin ($60 instead of $120 per hour).
  9. Access to recorded Zoom training sessions and Alumni Sangha's.
  10. Membership in the Global Meetup Network.

If you miss a session for a particular module, need more instructions and practice, or want a personal consultation, you can book a personal session with Martin at 1/2 his usual rate ($60 per hour instead of $120).

Each week we cover one of the 26 modules which you find here

What our trainees say:


I would highly recommend anyone to take this relationship training. Read more

Ben Calder, UK

Be prepared for many new insights! Read more

Daniel Bäde, DE

So grateful for this brilliant opportunity. Read more

Barbara J. Hunt, UK

Martin is a kind, warm, and incredibly skilled instructor. Read more

Lissa Lofaso, NY

A comprehensive overview and in-depth education for facilitators. Read more

Durwin Foster, M.A., CA

The training is complete with graphics, exercises, worksheets, and step-by-step modules. Read more

Mary Gordon, HI

Has greatly expanded my way of thinking about relationships. Read more

Dr. Charles Dettman, ZA

I feel marveled. Read more

José Soutelinho, PT

Integral Relationship Course Overview

Module 1: The four dimensions of relating
Learn and practice how to build a solid foundation for a healthy sustainable Integral love relationship. Realize in an exercise that when we fall in love and enter into a committed relationship, four essential dimensions of our human existence get into intimate contact. Learn More
Module 3: Mythic conformism and modern rationality in love relationships
 Learn about and explore the fourth and fifth stage of consciousness development and how they impact our love relationships. Learn More
Module 5: Integral and transpersonal love relationships
Learn about and explore the seventh and eight stage of consciousness development and how they impact our love relationships. Learn More
Module 7: Need-Based communication
Understand and practice how people at the first six levels of consciousness development communicate differently. Learn More
Module 9: Biological Differences and Learned Gender Roles
Learn and practice how to differentiate between what is biologically given by nature between males and females, and learned gender roles or nurture between men and women. This will allow you to gain a better understanding of your own and the opposite sex. Learn More
Module 11: Feminine-Masculine Polarities
Learn and practice how to develop, balance and harmonize healthy feminine and masculine polarities for the co-creation of sexual attraction and synergy in happy sustainable love relationships. Embodying these four polarities allows both partners to be simultaneously whole in themselves and part of the relationship. Learn More
Module 13: Sexual Development
Learn about and experience five state-stages of sexual development, ranging from repressed to scared/tantric. Learn More
Module 15: Love Languages
Learn and practice how to improve your dates and love relationships by becoming aware of the five love languages. Identify which of the five is your and your partner's primary and secondary expression and how to give and receive love and appreciation. Learn More
Module 17: Attachment Styles
Learn and practice through a test how you and others react differently under relationship stress. There are four general attachment styles that are formed in early childhood and impact our adult life.  Learn More
Module 19: Healing our Shadow
Learn and practice how to use relationship challenges for ongoing learning, healing, growing and awakening. Learn More
Module 21: Personality Disorders
Learn and practice how to identify possible personality disorders and how to deal with them in love relationships. Learn More
Module 23: Transcendental Purpose
Learn and practice how to awaken to, identify, and live your transcendental purpose that goes beyond your biological purpose. Read More
Module 25: Co-Creation at the Seven Chakras
Learn and practice how to identify and open the seven chakras in our body. Each chakra has a gross, subtle, and causal “energy”, manifests in the four dimensions of our being (the mind, body, cultural, and social), and has feminine and masculine polarities. Read more
Module 2: Survival, magic, and power in love relationships
Learn about and explore the first three of eight stages of consciousness development and how they impact our love relationships. Learn More
Module 4: Postmodern pluralistic sensitivity in love relationships
Learn about and explore the sixth stage of consciousness development and how it impacts our love relationships. Read more
Module 6: Compassionate communication
Learn and practice how people at the sixth level of consciousness development communicate. Read more
Module 8: Integral and transpersonal communication
Learn and practice how people at the seventh and eight level of consciousness development communicate. Read More
Module 10: Avoiding the Fear – Shame Downward Spiral
Learn and practice how to avoid going down the fear-shame spiral and how to heal and return to love if it already happened. Read more
Module 12: Spiritual Development
Learn about and experience five spiritual state-stages of spiritual development through a guided meditation. The first three states are likened to the waking (in which we are aware of physical objects), dreaming (in which we are identified with non-physical objects in our mind), and dreamless sleep (in which we fall into a state of timeless emptiness).  Read more
Module 14: Anima Animus Complex Development
Learn about and experience five stages of animus complex development in women and five stages of anima complex development in men and how they profoundly impact your love relationships. Read more
Module 16: Enneagram Types
Learn and practice how to identify which of the nine Enneagram types you and your partner resonate most with. Read more
Module 18: The Unconscious
Learn and practice how to own your primary emotional fight, flight or freeze reactions to your partner's reality instead of projecting them outward onto him or her (you are responsible for making me react/feel that way). Read more
Module 20: States of Falling in Love
Learn and practice how to navigate eight different forms of love, and the various states or phases they go through. Read more
Module 22: Sharing your Biological Purpose
Learn and practice how to identify and share your Biological Purpose in a healthy love relationship. Read more
Module 24: Soulmates
Learn and practice how to define, identify, and find or attract your soulmate.  Read more
Module 26: Path to Healthy Relationships and Why they Matter
Learn and practice how to create your personal roadmap to relationship success, no matter if you are single or with a partner. Learn More


If you prefer to pay in Euros by wire transfer you may transfer the funds to the German bank account below:

Bank: Volksbank Hohenlohe – Account Name: Martin Ucik
IBAN: DE67 6209 1800 0113 5140 00

If you have a US Bank Account you may pay with Zelle to [email protected]

Give the gift that keeps on giving

Market, organize, host, and facilitate a local Integral Relationship Group 

Since 2002, Martin has created and successfully run experiential Power of Now and Integral Relationship groups in Santa Rosa, CA, Los Angeles, CA, and Istanbul, Turkey. He also facilitated numerous Integral Relationship workshops and trainings around the world. The format evolved into 26 individual group modules or sessions with practical exercises that you can learn. Each module is self-contained and addresses certain relationship potentials. This new training cycle is an opportunity for you to be of service by bringing people together, to share your relationship wisdom, to grow as a person, and to earn money if that is of interest to you.

We also offer you support with setting up, designing, and posting on Meetup, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter accounts; creating databases for sending out group emails and WhatsApp messages, and with creating WordPress pages for $15 per hour/project. (A higher rate applies for setting-up and designing a WordPress website from scratch.) Send an email to [email protected] to discuss your needs

Integral Relationship Online Private Training
with Martin




Questions & Answers

Has the training been already recorded?
No, all the Integral Relationship Online Training sessions are live with Martin Ucik. You could be able to have discussions, ask questions, and do exercises.
Will I receive a certificate after the course completion?
Yes, but for this, you need to complete all 26 sessions.
What if I miss the session? How can catch up?
You can catch up with other participants on another day, the same material will be repeated 3 times per week. If you are unable to do that too, you can book a private session with Martin for $60 per hour.
What is your cancellation/refund policy?
We offer a full refund up to the third module if this training is not for you.
Is the Integral Relationship Online Training a good fit for non-heterosexual participants?
We had several “non-heterosexual” people in the training (and previous workshops and reading Martin's books).
Most found the integral relationship approach helpful, so it seems to be a matter of personal experience, vulnerabilities, and level of consciousness.

Most modules are “gender-neutral” except for Modules 9, 10, and 14, in which we cover biological differences, learned gender roles, the fear-shame downward spiral, and Anima/Animus complex development and use genered language. Non-heterosexual participants found these modules helpful too.